This is yet another date filled to the brim. You will find 25 envelopes filled with romantic/fun activities as a countdown to something specific (either a special occasion or just a way of celebrating your love for each other). Some serious conversation that is essential to any successful relationship along with a couple of games that will be turning up the heat – as if it’s not hot enough during this time of the year. You will be making the most delicious and easy Caprese style baked Chicken with Moroccon flavoured rice for dinner…there is some dessert included…not only the edible kind… ? (nudge nudge wink wink)
What you’ll need:
1. Print the stationary/cards on sheets of A4 paper.
2. Cut the Countdown cards and put in seperate envelopes with numbers on.
3. Print the “Turn up the Heat” cards back to front. See instructions on how to make DIY scratch cards.
4. Cut the Bedroom Taboo cards and play the game according to the instructions found on the stationary cards.
5. Items you need to make this date successful:
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